Import RDF to MySQL — JEF Ritchie This project uses the RDF4SQL library to import RDF-based data structures into MySQL. It supports a wide array of RDF-based data. It can import RDF from a SQLite database, from Excel spreadsheets, or from a plaintext file. Furthermore, it can also load data from files and read from files. Import RDF into a MySQL Database — GitHub How to import a file into MySQL with RDF4SQL — Migrating to RDF — JEF Ritchie This project uses RDF4SQL to read an RDF file stored in SQLite and create a MySQL database that stores RDF graphs in the MySQL database. Imports and maintains an elastic database through importing RDF schemas from various sources. Uses custom RDF schema language to represent metadata, and schema-based SQL for the database management interface. What is RDF — Wikipedia “RDF is an open, multi-protocol format for representing information. It allows for very rich information exchange, such as structured data or time series. RDF can be expressed using various programming languages or databases. One of the most popular uses is as a way to represent information in a web application”. Using RDF In MySQL — JEF Ritchie What if we were to use RDF in MySQL then? In this blog post I explain how to use the Parser class to parse .RDF files into a database table. The Parser class can parse .RDF files, but is a bit awkward because of the presence of the XML extension .RDF.SD. As it is a bit more difficult it seems as an alternative to write a custom parser, which is in my opinion quite easy, the solution is to use Parser from the RDF namespace. You can learn more about the RDF namespace and how to use it when you read this blog post. What is the difference between RDF Schema and SQL? The difference is that in the first case you have the data which is stored as a sequence of elements, and you are trying to write the code to access it. In the second case the data is written as text and therefore each element is not directly accessible. What it will do instead is parsed the data with a certain schema in mind. For example, .RDF in XML, .rdf.XML and .rdf.html.