OpenCL Platforms | SDK Platform The OpenCL Platform provides GPU accelerated 2D and 3D processing, including OpenGL ES. In addition, OpenGL ES is supported on iOS and Android and on Windows 10. OpenCL Platform — Tech soft 3D OpenCL Platforms is designed for mobile use.
A tech soft 3d we are driven to fuel innovation with unmatched 3d technology and are excited to provide companies like Oracle Siemens hexagon metrology and stratasys grab CAD with the fastest and most accurate data translation tool kits available hoops exchanged allows a development team to easily build robust CAD data translation into their application for over 20 file formats through a single interface supported formats include CATIA SolidWorks creo Autodesk Inventor step Siemens NX and many more access a broad range of data including boundary representation in its native form both visual and semantic product manufacturing information views and construction geometry loops exchange provides extensive assembly support including configurations and family tables it also provides access to persistent IDs styles colors materials and additional metadata it has feature tree support including hole definitions and patterns all this and more without depending on any CAD system provide your users access to their data anytime and anywhere be it on a desktop running Windows Linux or Mac OS an Android or iOS mobile device or even in the cloud era solid developers you're in luck oops exchange is the fastest and most accurate CAD access solution for para solid users Tech saw 3d partnered with Siemens support to optimize the integration of hoops exchange and parisology for CAD data exchange hoops exchange is the fastest and most accurate data translation toolkit available today go to tech saw 3d comm and sign up for a 60 day evaluation and experience the difference yourself.