It is developed by the Open Document Archive Team. Viewers are built for developers and designers to view PDF, image, Word, and other types of documents as if you had viewed them yourself, from your desktop. With Viewers, you can access files from local disks, network shares, FTP and other sources. A web interface allows you to navigate in all directions, from one document or document set to another, and to perform one-click processing on documents you can't otherwise view. If there are only a couple of hundred elements on a single page on the screen, then it is likely that you can view the document with the click of a button. If you have a very large document, or if you have large documents that are very complex, then you may want to consider using another tool such as the Document Viewer. To do this, click on the Download button below so that you can have a copy of the tool downloaded as a file and not as a zip file. The download window will open to download the Download Manager for Viewers so that you can put it on a local hard drive. You can also download it from the Downloads page. If you are using Viewers, you may notice that many of the files in it are embedded within HTML tags. This is because Viewers is very picky about where HTML files are embedded into other HTML files or not. This allows the tool to find all of those embedded HTML files and use them when they appear in a document. The embedded HTML files may also include the