What is the relative productivity of mobile app vs web development?
The total time you will need to develop an application depends on howplex you want the application to be and also if you will use frameworks to accelerate software development. An app consists of 2 different programming layers which are the backend and the frontend. The backend will be the same for mobile websites or mobile apps. The main difference in time will be on how you develop the front end for your application. I will detail below the steps you neeed to take to optimize your backend development and also tools to speed up your frontend development for both mobile website and mobile apps. Backend Back end means the parts that do the work but the final user is unaware of or cannot see. Ir represents up 8% of the total work and contain the API databases services etc. There are several BaaS 3 Backend as a Service providers to speed up backend development. can accelerate up 8% thenbackend development and it is a good option for developers looking for flexibilitynand control over the source code. Firebase provide similar results but thenusers do not have access to the source code and are locked on the platform. Frontend Front end typically means the parts of the project a user interacts with. The interface can be mobile (Android IOS Windows etc) or web. Mobile Websites You should try Ionic for it. It will create very cool interfaces for both iOS and Android platforms. Mobile Apps A good platform to speed up mobile frontend development is Xaramin and it can reduce up to 7% the total time to develop Android and IOS apps. Disclaimer Iub4m a founder at
What is an alternative to iFrame with HTML5?
Alternative to iframe in HTML5 are Embed and Embed Using this element can add external application or interactive content like plugin etc.. < src= =2u233 =2 Using this element you can also multimedia like audio video java applets PDF Active X and flash.
What does window refer to within an iframe?
Within an iframe the `window` object refers to the framed window that is created by the iframe. The best way to show yourself this is n