Viewer.js JavaScript image viewer. Fengyuanchen/viewers: JavaScript image viewer. — GitHub The target image or container of images for viewing. Options (optional). Type: Object; The options for viewing. Example code Viewers can be embedded for web pages in several ways: JavaScript image viewers in JavaScript files Viewers can be used to embed a video in an HTML or XHTML file. If the video is available with a media file type (.mp4, .MPV,.m4v or .WebM), the viewer will display it, in full screen. The video can be loaded from the network and automatically played when the viewer is clicked (using the 'autoplay' property). You can download a video of the browser in-browser and use the media player from the viewer. Videos JavaScript image viewer. Fengyuanchen/viewers: JavaScript image viewer. — GitHub The target image or container of images for viewing. Options (optional). Type: Object; The options for viewing. Example code — Example video Viewers includes a viewer for video. It allows loading video by specifying the video's file type using the file option. Video.WebM — Example video.mp4 Viewers requires an HTTP server for embedding and video to load. Note the following: The video container can be an array. The file-type can be an array containing “mp4”, “WebM”, “WebM.WebM”, “fly” or “AVI”. The media-type can be “WebM” or “fly”. Note the following: The video container can be an array of an HTML element's children and an attribute “type” for an element: