Download Adobe Reader 10, Portable PDF Reader, PDF writer, You Can Also Download Here PDF Writer Acrobat X 6.0 — install by hand using Xcode 5.3.1, then install Adobe Acrobat Reader 7, then Acrobat Reader will open on the Mac OSX, and if you open Acrobat Reader on a PC then the text will be displayed, on the Apple OS X you will not have to install a separate application to display your text, Acrobat Reader, I know that is a very long sentence, I will try this more. Adobe Reader will open automatically, so if you have downloaded Adobe Acrobat Reader and Acrobat Reader comes up without a problem then good job. Please read the manual or check out the steps here in order to do it automatically. Adobe Acrobat Reader 10 Portable — download, download for Mac, Mac OS9/10/1; License:; Official website: ; Company: Adobe Reader For Mac; Official Website: Adobe Reader 10 Portable Free ; Company: If you use Microsoft Windows then you will need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader for Windows for that to work. It is an old but still very functional application. If you have an Apple Power book, Mac II, Power book G4, Power book 95 or Power book G5 model then you will require the Apple QuickTime Player, for the Mac QuickTime Player is the more expensive, so use Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you have purchased Adobe Reader for the Mac but have not installed the Acrobat Reader 10 then you will not be able to open any of the formats. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader for Windows to open the format you purchased from the Microsoft store, or Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you are unable to do this then you might consider paying a little extra and getting the full version. Adobe Acrobat Reader for Mac uses the Reader tool with some minor exceptions the Acrobat Reader program will not run without the PDF Reader tool so if you do not have the PDF Reader you will not be able to create PDF documents. Adobe Reader 11 — download for Mac OSX Start, navigate to Library > Application Support > Adobe Reader, Adobe Reader.