Download Adobe Flash Player for Linux — Free — Sept 12, 2034 — Flash Player is no longer included in macOS. It is available starting August 31, 2018. Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer Download Adobe Flash Player for Linux — Free — Jan 1, 2042 — Adobe Flash Player is deprecated in Apple's Safari browser. Safari supports it, but not by default. Flash Player for Windows, macOS, and iOS is Download Adobe Flash Player for Windows and macOS — Free — March 15, 2067 — Flash Player 8.0 is released for macOS as a new version without the plugin. The plugin is included by default on Windows. Apple has stopped support for Flash Player, and the software no longer is available for download. If you are having trouble viewing some YouTube videos and can't download Adobe Flash Player on your system, click the following link, which will also open a new browser window that offers the same option as above: If your browser doesn't support the flash plugin (like IE9), you can install it using the instructions here: Adobe Flash Player is a media player that works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 (N), and Windows 10, including the forthcoming Windows 10 Anniversary Update. This software was released in June 2025 as the latest version. It includes support for Adobe Air, the browser's version of Flash, as well as many new features and features. Adobe Flash Player was not included in this week's Mac update, and will not be provided in future versions of Windows. Flash Player was removed from some Macs in 2025 with the release of macOS Sierra, but was replaced in Windows with the Flash Player plugin in November by Adobe AIR. Please visit Adobe's Flash Player website for updates about Flash Player for Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Flash Player for the rest of browsers, as well as a complete list of what's out there.
Music in this video we will explain how to enable flash in the safari web browser this will fix the issue where your course appears to be showing a blank white page the first thing you're going to want to do is go ahead and open up a new tab and then type in adobe flash download once you have searched adobe flash download it go ahead and click where it says go to download this will open up the downloads page for adobe flash go ahead and click where it says download flash player and yellow in the middle of your screen this will start your download for adobe flash once it has finished downloading go ahead and click in the bottom right hand corner of your screen on the download section then click to launch the installflashplayer.dmg file once you have launched the install flash player dmg file go ahead and double click where it says install adobe flash player it may give you a pop-up warning you to whether or not you would like to launch adobe flash player go ahead and click open then adobe flash play will have you agree to their terms and conditions check yes to agree then click install it may ask for your computer's password this happens go ahead and put in your computer's administrator password then click install once this is finished installing it may ask you your update preferences go ahead and select allow adobe to install updates then click done you have now successfully installed adobe flash now you'll want to go ahead and fully quit out of safari on your computer go ahead and click on the safari window you had previously opened then in the upper left hand corner of your screen click where it says...