HOOPS Exchange, the company responsible for the CAD database, has more than 50 million users across 15,000,000 users with over 100 million in revenue. HOOPS is the leader in CAD storage software and is the world's #1 supplier of high-performance, flexible, scalable and high-performance database storage solutions. () The Hoop Exchange, the most trusted CAD exchange. — LinkedIn HOOPS Exchange is the world's leading provider of high-performance, flexible, scalable and high-performance database storage solutions. HOOPS Exchange, the leader in CAD data conversion software, is the leading supplier of high-performance, flexible, scalable and high-performance database storage solutions across a number of industries, and is also one of only two providers of fully integrated storage for CAD tools, data and CAD applications across a wide range of industries. HOOPS Exchange's customer base is a global one, with over 110 million dollars in revenue in 2016, and has provided CAD data conversion and integration solutions for over 20,000 customers across 15,000,000 users. () HOOPS Exchange has pioneered a wide range of industry-leading tools and storage in CAD storage and conversion products including a wide variety of storage products in multiple formats, a single file storage product and various database integration solutions. () HOOPS Exchange is a leader in database storage and application integration solution offerings across industries and industries covering a diversity of industries ranging from automotive to finance to healthcare. () The HOOP Exchange is the premier provider of solutions that simplify the CAD user experience from CAD data integration to storage and data management. Hoops Exchange's solutions are unique in that they provide complete solutions in a single package, eliminating the complexity involved in customizing solutions for each customer. () HOOPS Exchange, a leader in CAD database management software, develops integrated tools, storage software, and applications that optimize the user experience and performance in a wide range of industries. HOOPS Exchange is leading the way in bringing CAD users together. The Hoop Exchange provides a unified platform for CAD data access.