How to embed PDF in HTML? — Microsoft Techno Feb 25, 2025 — HTML is a general-purpose markup language for writing markup languages. It is the most common markup language for displaying text and images on a web page. HTML is used for displaying a variety of text (text in tables, headers, and captions), graphics (images, charts, and maps), and other types of information (HTML tags). Html5 is a markup language for writing HTML markup. HTML5 was designed for writing web pages, and includes a rich set of functionality including navigation, scripting, and rich form based on data available in documents. The HTML5 specification gives you more flexibility to use the elements available in HTML, and HTML5 has been designed so that you can leverage most technologies supported by the browser in order to access content on a web page in a rich form. The latest version of the HTML for HTML5 specification defines a new way to access web content, called the Document Object Model, or DOM. The following is an image example showing the HTML markup for an HTML5 The link to the graphic JavaScript (d.min.js) contains the code of the JavaScript to perform the operation, which you can run using the command line utility gulp to have the HTML generated by the JavaScript embedded in the