It supports any PDF file format including .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .PST, .WPS, .WWF, .SCR, .TXT (for Windows), .PDF and many more. For the past few years, Adobe has released a number of 3D PDF converters that support a broad range of PDF formats and can create 3D PDF files. 3DPDF Converter Alternatives For a variety of reasons, these converters can be either good choices in their own right or simply add-ons to your existing CAD or design software. Some alternatives might be a better choice depending on your specific needs. 3D PDF Viewers You don't need to pay a high price for an open source 3D PDF viewer. Some free competitors include: 3D-view Pro — the best and most advanced open source 3D viewer. 3D Print Viewer — 3D printer Viewer for Mac, Windows. 3D Viewer — 3D Viewer for Mac, Windows. 3D View PDF Viewer — 3D Viewer for Mac, Windows. 3DR — 3D Print Driver. 3DS — 3D-Scanning Simulator for Windows. 3D Viewer 3D Viewer: The best 3D viewer for Mac, Windows, and Linux is of course Tinkercad. It provides high quality, high-resolution and high quality 3D viewing features for the lowest cost in the market. 3D Viewer: A decent alternative to Tinkercad is 3DS. It uses 3D scanner capabilities and features in a much better interface (but lacks the 3D preview). It works on any desktop OS, Windows, and Linux. 3D Viewer: An intermediate choice is also 3DS. It is similar to Tinkercad and uses the same 3D scanner technology. It also has the 3D preview, but lacks the resolution and resolution control.