Language : English If you uploaded a PDF, you can click Create PDF from a file in Google Drive to create a searchable PDF in Google Drive. How to make Google Drive perform OCR on a PDF uploaded in Microsoft OneDrive? Download and install the one-click OCR tool OCR1.exe from OneDrive. Open Microsoft OneDrive, go to File>Share and click on the share button. Click on Send to OneDrive. Click on Add a New OneDrive link to share your folder. Click on Add folder link to name it. Check a checkbox for the OneDrive's OCR Service. Click on Create. Click on Next> in the next window. #2 Steps to OCR PDF in OneDrive Login in your OneDrive and go to the Share menu on the top. Click on 'Share my folder' button. Click on 'More > OneDrive > Send' link. Click on the file link. Click on Add Files. Check a checkbox for OCR from .pdf. Click on Next > in the next window. Languages: OneDrive will detect the language of the document. Font and character set: A common font such as Arial or Times New Roman will help you with the OCR text. Language : English OCR1.exe, OCR2.exe, OCR3.exe, OCR4.exe, OCR5.exe, OCR6.exe, OCR7.exe Microsoft OneDrive OCR Good? Check Our Test of OCR PDF or #3 Steps to OCR PDF in OneDrive Login in your OneDrive and go to the Share menu on the top. Click on 'Share my folder' button. Click on 'More > OneDrive > Send' link. Click on the file link. Click on Add Files. Check a checkbox for OCR from .pdf. Click on Next > in the next window. Languages: OneDrive will detect the language of the document. Font and character set: A common font such as Arial or Times New Roman will help you with the OCR text. OCR1.exe, OCR2.exe, OCR3.exe, OCR4.exe, OCR5.exe, OCR6.exe, OCR7.