The PDF Viewer will be opened in a new tab. What do I do after I installed Google Chrome to open PDF files? — life wire Mar 26, 2024 — In Chrome's settings, go to Advanced > Privacy, and disable the PDF Viewer in “Show advanced options” and click View on PDFs. Why do I see a green bar to view a PDF in Chrome? Jul 18, 2024 — You can choose to view documents in the omnibus or on your desktop and get the best PDF experience from the omnibus. You can also open them on your desktop by opening chrome://extension and clicking the View on Desktop link. When you choose this option, a red button in the upper right corner of the omnibus will turn green to let you know the document is available. How can I view and print PDFs in Google Chrome? What other browsers can I used to view and print PDFs? How to use Google Cloud Print in PDF Viewer? Why are the default text sizes in Chrome too small? Dec 5, 1995 — With a recent update, Google Chrome will now automatically adjust page text to keep the text at the correct font and as small as possible to save on rendering. If you want a website's fonts to be smaller, go here. I would suggest having Chrome show this behavior even if you are using the same font size as Google Chrome. For example, if you are using Times New Roman on your screen, Chrome might show you that the text is too large, and therefore it's important that you use the smaller font of a different font.