Note that if you are already logged in on the class website, enter your password or log in to access the resources. What is the use of a Downloader? I already downloaded the .pdf. There is a problem because there are already other versions of the PDF available in the world. How to Download and print any PDF file from the web using Free Downloader software 1 — Open your Windows desktop. Click on the “File” icon and select “open file” Select the .pdf you want to download 2. Click “Download” — it will take a while (several hours). How to Download an Audio and/or Video or Download and Play any.MP3 Files in Windows Media Player 1. Open “File” icon at the very top of your menu bar. Note: you can also right-click on the menu icon in Window. 2. Select “Open With:” option from the left-hand column. 3. Select “Windows Audio(.MP3) or” or “Windows Video File(.MP3)” from the column on the right. 4. Save your choice as the name of your favorite app. How to use the free Downloader : — Download the file from the web — Right-click on the .pdf to open with the appropriate application. If you use the.MP3 files, press the “Play” button immediately after the file is loaded (on the right side of the picture above). How to use the downloader from Free Downloader website How to use the free Downloader — Open the file from the web and press 'Open'. How to use the downloader from the Free Downloader website How to use the downloader from Free Downloader website How to use the free downloader from the Free Downloader website Click to download Free Downloader software. How to play.MP3 files in Windows Media Player in Windows 9x 1. Open Windows 9x and click on “Open” on the main menu. 2. Click on “Music” in the context menu. 3. Select the desired file. 4. If required, right-click the right pane and check for compatibility (if the files do not match). 5. Click on “Play”. How to download and play MP3 files in Windows 3.