Why does sometimes displays incomplete documents while opening .PDF from outlook 2010?
It's possible that the PDFs you're opening were created with a later version of Acrobat. Adobe Reader X (1) is now available (free). You should go to and download.
What mobile phones do popular Quorans use?
I am definitely not popular but I really wanted to answer this question. I personally use a Samsung Galaxy S7. Not the Edge version but just the normal stock version. It great. Before this I used an iPhone 5. It was terrible even when it was new in my opinion. I understand that it was innovative. It changed the way that phones were shaped forever. But it locked me out of doing everything. I couldn change the theme or anything. It sucked so much. I don think that I will ever change from Android to iOS again since you just gotta have that flexibility dude! Also they are much cheaper than iPhone on contract not really with the actual phone prices anymore. The thing that sucks with my Android is that I have had it for like 3 months and the back is already smashed. I even had a case on it. But this means that the water resistance feature is gone; it not like I would use it in the shower but being able to use it in the rain is good. I have the same case on it now I should really get a new one if it could not survive that. On my iPhone however I dropped it all the time since I was a strong believer in not using a case and it only smashed like twice. The second time wasn even a drop. It got slammed onto a table and the screen went berserk. I could not use it at all. I do like the actual iOS operating system more than Android in some cases however it was more stable and never really had apps crashing. Which you can kind of expect from Apple. They used to be a goodpany. But to give it to my S7. I barely ever get crashing which is good. It finally bit the dust in the end though and literally just cut out entirely when I was in a call with my friend. I am happy that it finally died though to be honest because then I can have an excuse to replace it and not have a slow phone. We did enquire about getting it fixed though. I do love italic my S7! Credit whistleOut.
My dad just got the Samsung Galaxy s2. What apps should he download?
It would help if you share what your fathers interests are. Anway the following are some useful apps for almost every android user )n1. quoran2. ES file explorer. battery notifiern4. mobo player playern5. wordwebn6. QR Droidn7. Adobe Readern8. currents
Where can I find someone to design a book cover for me?
Having travelled down this path myself the answer depends on your budget timetable and willingness to work with someone virtually. If you aren't on a shoestring budget and are willing to work with someone who isn't just down the road from you then I would rmend finding a designer on graphic design sites like and . I've even done some intense Google search results that then transitioned into Skype calls and emails. The process took about 2 months and I was very pleased with the end result (below). Also... the main author and I wrote this article on to outline what we learned from going through the process 5 Keys to Book Cover Success I'd suggest giving this article and its associatedments a read to help make the journey a little more palatable for you.
What are the first 10 programs you download and install on your new computer?
I start generally with updating graphics drivers. So checking nVidia Intel or AMD websites. Once that is done I generally go to Ninite s . Ninite is pretty sweet as you can customise what software you want and it gives you one mini program that allows you to install all the software you want without having to go through all the popups. In face you can just run it again to get it to update all those programs again in one go. So yeah the stuff I go with are Chrome 7zip - The best zipping unzipping utility Skype () VLC (The best program for videos) Spotify (The one place for music) Audacity (For all your audio needs) All the runtimes (you never know when you need them Steam (Need those games) GIMP (Poor man Photoshop but still pretty solid) JDK (I work on a open source project so I need this for work) Non-Ninite Stuff Norton - It works don knock it. Editplus (As much as I like Notepad++ Editplus is so worth the money)
How do I design my own book cover?
They say Don judge a book by it cover. Why do they say that? Definitely because a majority of people do tend to judge a book by its cover. If this was not the case there was no need for the above proverb to have existed at all ) Well that is how important book covers are! Especially for my genre Fiction! Fiction is read to escape into an alternate world created by the author. Fiction is read to have an intense emotional experience. And a good book cover contributes to that immensely. So obviously I was very worried and confused when I was thinking about the cover for my first book The prince of Patliputra which was be launched in December 215. You can find it on Facebook s at and on Instagram s at It all begins with an idea. I wanted to do something different and intense with my book cover. Something that had never been done After days of head scratching and biting finally found out what i wanted to be on the book cover. My story is a Historical fantasy set in ancient India. It is a story of multiple characters and events with focus on one protogandist Asoka Mauryawho went on the be Samrat Asoka whose symbol now flies proudly on our National flag But the story is not just about him but of his empire as a whole.. So i decided to put the map of Bharath ( INDIA) on the cover designed in a style of two point perspective look This was my first sketch to put my idea in front of my designers eyes. Put it digitally in GIMP2. it looked like this Quite messy being done by my amateur it was enough to convey my emotions to the designer My designer took my idea to the heart and used their awesome skills to create a professional look for the looked like this So how does it look..??? Do you like it????? WellI didn..! It looked more like a cover of a travel magazine than that of a historical thriller. Suddenly my idea of putting the story world on the cover didn seem so cool at all!! Suddenly i felt lost that i didn even know what to put on my cover any more That when my designer came to my rescue. This guys is the difference between an amateur and my fist idea turn out so bad made me feel it inspired my designer to try something different.. This is what she made while i was worrying that my book was going to have no cover at all And suddenly my faith in my basic cover idea was rejuvenated. I realized that the idea could still workall i had to do was to change the way it looked. Change the perspective of the story world. So what I did was flip the new cover and go back to the same idea as before Putting the story world on the cover.. This is what i returned to my designer. We had a few discussions that the brown palace on the now back cover wasn contributing anything to the cover and seemed out of place After doing what designers do and waving a magic wand over the cover She returned me this.. And trust me it looks awesome.. So this is the New cover of my book ) And this is how it went from idea topletion If you like it do like it HERE s .. The book is NOW AVAILABLE at all major stores.
What are some mandatory softwares for a new PC?
Good question ) Antivirus I will rmend you to buy these anti-virus Bit Defender Kaspersky Norton Internet Security AVG Antiivrus Aviara Media Player 3. Registry Cleaners up Utilities 4. Image Burner(Nero) 5. Firefox and Google Chrome 6. MS Office Open Office 7. Adobe Reader 8. 7 Zip 9. Internet Download Manager 1. Utorrent -) Photoshop 12. Adobe Flash Player 13. Malware Bytes 14. Notepad++ 15. Folder Lock (For your safety purpose) 16. Winrar Hope These software satisfy for a PC P
Is it true that Xiaomi Mi pad does not support some apps ?
I had heard that it doesn support some apps but I still bought it anyway. Below are some apps Ive been using regularly and never had any issues ES File Explorer PayTM Subway Surfer Adobe Reader Terminal Emulator There are many more but these are what I remember right now. However one small glitch was that from Greenify it could not get the needed Administrator privilege from the dialog the workaround was that you had to go to Settings=Accessibility in android and set that setting from there. In worst case if you don like the MIUI (Xiaomi version of Androdi) you can flash a CyanogenMod or one of the other ROMs available for this device. Hope that helps.